In dance, the body limbs are classified as Anga, Pratyanga and Upaanga. The body limbs are used differently when expressing a particular bhava.
6 Angas comprise of : Chest, Waist, Bottom, Hands, Head, Legs. Some experts include the neck as well.
6 Pratyangas : Thighs, Knees, Shoulders, Arms, Stomach. Some experts include the wrists, elbows and ankles as well.
12 Upaangas : Glance, Eyebrows, Eyelids, Eyeballs, Cheeks, Nose, Gums, Lips, Teeth, Tongue, Chin, Face. Some experts include the heels, fingers, feet and palms as well.
Slokam 1:
Asyenaalambayeth geetham
Hasthenartham pradarsayeth
Chaksurbhyam Drishyeth bhavam
Paathabhyam Thalamachareth
The song is sung from throat
Hands express the meaning
Eyes depicts emotions
The feet moves according to thalam.
Slokam 2:
Yetho Hasta Thatho Drishti
Yetho Drishtis Thatho Manah
Yetho Manas Thatho Baavo
Yetho Baavas Thatho Rasah
Wherever the hand goes, the eyes follow
Wherever the eyes go, the mind follows
When the mind is engaged, expression results
Where there is expression, there is beauty.